Thursday, September 01, 2005

On doing good

Okay, so don't quote me on this, because I don't remember on which news report I heard it, but I remember being warned not to panic about the interruption in fuel supply because most gas stations keep about ten days' worth of gas on hand. Well, congratulations, Atlanta! You stupid sheeple have managed to go through that in less than twelve hours. Christ in a rowboat.

Feel like doing something to actually help the situation instead of making it worse? Revolutionary idea, I know. Get out your wallet, Melissa:

American Red Cross, 800.HELP.NOW (800.435.7669)
Salvation Army, 800.SAL.ARMY (800.725.2769)
America's Second Harvest, 800.344.8070
Convoy of Hope, 417.823.8998

Send money, not stuff. Lots of money. And prayers, if you're the praying type.

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